
My Top Ten Favorite Life Hacks | The Cleaning Edition

Tricks and Tips to Make Your Life Easier

By Christen Reiner, Macaroni KID Lakewood-Littleton, Macaroni KID Denver, and Macaroni KID Highlands Ranch-Parker-Castle Rock-Lone Tree Editor and Publisher March 13, 2025

I am a firm believer in life hacks. They save time, money, my sanity, and undoubtedly make my life easier. I actually decided to write this series for selfish reasons... even though I use life hacks all the time, it's hard to keep track of the great ones I have tried! 

Life Hack #1 -- write a series of articles about life hacks so you can refer back to those gems often when your old mommy brain can't recall them.

Let's start with the Cleaning Edition since Spring Cleaning is right around the corner!

🧽 Clean your shower/bathtub with equal parts blue Dawn and Vinegar.

  • Heat up the vinegar in the microwave until hot, but not boiling.
  • Add in blue Dawn, and swish until mixed. 
  • Pour into a spray bottle. and spray your shower and tub -- leave for about an hour.
  • You should be able to wipe away soap scum and dirt, without any elbow grease required!

🧽 Put your aluminum cookie sheets in the oven when using the self cleaning feature, and they will come out looking brand new.

  • Do NOT use this method for your nonstick cookie sheets!

🧽 Use an old pillowcase to catch dirt and dust when cleaning ceiling fans.

  • Place the pillow case over one blade at a time, and tap the blade. Wipe it as you remove the pillowcase.
  • Repeat for each blade, inverting and shaking out the pillowcase as needed. Wash between cleaning sessions.
  • BONUS - Spray a small amount of Turtle Wax Spray on the blades to keep them cleaner longer.

🧽 Spray RainX on your glass shower doors, and you won't need to clean them as much.

  • Spray the doors right after cleaning, and water will bead up instead of sticking to the glass!

🧽 Remove hairspray residue from walls, counters, and floors with a mix of one part fabric softener to two parts water.

  • Paint the mixture on with a sponge, and leave for 5 minutes.
  • Wipe off with paper towels. (You will be amazed. Just wait.)

🧽 Put silicon cupcake liners in your car's cup holders.

  • When they get dirty, run them through the dishwasher. Your cup holders will stay shiny and new.

🧽 Clorox toilet bowl cleaning gel works wonders on grout.

  • Let the gel sit for 30 minutes, if possible. 
  • Or, use a toothbrush or small grill brush to really get in there! 

🧽 Pour a little Pine Sol in the bottom of your outside trash can after each trash pick up to keep the "trash juice" smell away.

  • I keep a bottle right next to the cans for easy access.

🧽 Heat up wet paper towels in your microwave to loosen stuck on foods.

  • Make sure the paper towels are a bit more than damp, but not soaking wet, and heat for one minute. Then easily wipe off the mess!

🧽 Use dryer sheets....

  • In your heating/AC vents, and your house will always smell laundry fresh.
  • To clean ceiling fans and baseboards. It will keep dust at bay in both areas.
  • To clean dusty and dirty window screens.

🧽 BONUS: Use Barbasol Shaving Cream to clean mirrors and stainless steel. No streaks!

  • Not only will everything shine, your house will smell fresh and clean.

🧽 BONUS: Store folded (or unfolded!) sheets in the coordinating pillow case. 

  • Never lose pieces of the set again, and easily store the sheets in your linen closet!

What tried and true cleaning life hacks do you use? Email me!

Stay tuned for more Life Hacks: The Series!