There are two different types of parents... those who want their kids to get out of school for Winter Break as soon as possible, and those who would prefer that their kids stay in school through December 23rd.
I am the latter.
And I'll tell you why. I am busting a move to get ready for Christmas right up until the big day. I am planning ahead for newsletters so I can take Christmas week off, I am shopping for presents, I am grabbing extra food and snacks for the fam to munch on while they are home during the day, and I am knocking out a To Do List a mile long. This girl is BUSY.
Too busy to really enjoy that pre-Christmas time with my family.
So, yes, I would prefer that my kids stay in school until just before Christmas, so we can all enjoy more of the relaxed time after the holiday.
Speaking of that relaxed time...
It will take approximately 9.9 seconds before your kids are uttering those dreaded words... I'M BORED! Here are some easy ideas to keep them busy during Winter Break.
❄️ Play with playdough
Grab some playdough at the store or make your own. Hours of easy fun.
❄️ Bring the snow inside
Use the bathtub or a large plastic container and enjoy snow where it's nice and warm.
❄️ Learn a new skill
Pick something fun and watch a YouTube video together. Kids love when their parents learn with them.
❄️ Make hot cocoa ice cream
❄️ Have a dance party
Throw on some music and start dancing. I guarantee others will join in the fun.
❄️ Listen to an audio book or podcast together
Or set one up for the kids. Add in snacks for more fun.
❄️ Have a Pajama Party
Have breakfast for dinner, make blanket beds in the living room, take a family nap, watch cartoons... anything that you would typically do in your PJ's.
❄️ Take a trip to the library
Are your kids going bonkers at home? A quick change of scenery can snap them out of it. No planning ahead necessary.
❄️ Make instruments
Use stuff around the house to create an instrument. Put a song on and have the kids play along.
❄️ Make a bird feeder
Spread peanut butter on almost anything and roll it in birdseed -- a pinecone, a toilet paper roll, a stick, a ribbon -- get creative!
❄️ Make no bake cookies
Mix and shape. That's it. Even little kiddos can help with these. And there are about a billion recipes online. Choose your fave!
❄️ Color
There's nothing like a fresh box of crayons and a brand new coloring book. And you can get both at the dollar store. Let your kids pick out their favorite for even more fun. Join in the fun for a family coloring sesh. It's downright relaxing.
❄️ Build a fort
Use leftover shipping boxes from the holidays or blankets and chairs. Kids will spend hours creating and hanging out in forts. Bring them a snack to enjoy in their new digs to seal the deal.
❄️ Plan a sleepover
Your kids might have sleepovers with their friends, but when was the last time that they had one with their siblings or parents? Task them with coming up with an itinerary for the evening, then camp out in the living room or in mom and dad's room.
❄️ Start a family book club
If you have independent readers at your house, you can start a family book club. Choose to read the same book (be sure that it's at the level that everyone can manage) and discuss, or each read a different book and prepare a fun mini book report to share. My favorite part is setting aside 15-30 minutes each day to all read our books quietly together in the living room.
❄️ Movie Night
We have regular movie nights at our house year round. We eat dinner in the living room, we take turns choosing the movie (no complaints allowed!), and we spend time together. Easiest family fun ever. No supplies needed.
❄️ Take a winter walk
Look for animals who are sporting their winter coats, plants that are still green, holiday lights, ice, footprints in the snow. Have the kids create a list of things to find.
❄️ Wash toys
Wait, that sounds boring. No way! Fill up your bathtub with a little warm water and dish soap, and let your kids wash their toys (the washable ones, of course). It's fun, I promise.
❄️ Check into a local hotel
Choose a hotel with a pool and check in for the night. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, and with a little research, you are bound to find a great deal online these days. Bring your own food, or grab something quick to save money. Bring donuts or the sugary breakfast cereal that you never have at home. Hang out at the pool, play games, watch a movie in the hotel room, explore a nearby park or ice cream shop... and you'll have a relatively inexpensive staycation.
❄️ Check out our Macaroni KID calendar of events
We add new local events everyday. Bookmark that baby right now.