
Owl Be Kind on March 9... Meet Thomas

By Christen Reiner, Macaroni KID Lakewood-Littleton, Macaroni KID Denver, and Macaroni KID Highlands Ranch-Parker-Castle Rock-Lone Tree Editor and Publisher February 20, 2025

A few years ago, I found out about Thomas.

My friends, Michelle and Karen, introduced me to him. They shared an event on Facebook created by their friend, Kristin... and at first, it just sounded interesting. It sounded like something I might like to do with my kids. Random acts of kindness sounded pretty awesome to me. 

But then, I read Thomas' story. I felt his parents' pain. And I was INSPIRED. So I got to work.

I shared the event. I encouraged MY friends to sign up. I made owls. I got my kids involved. We spread kindness. 

And now we look forward to it every March 9th. 

And now I hope YOU will join us.

Everyone... meet Thomas.

From the Owl Be Kind for Thomas website:

How it all began

On March 9, 2005 our son Thomas was born, and the very next day he quietly slipped away. In his obituary we asked if people would consider doing something good in his memory, and every year on his birthday we make the same request. That's because we believe that every person (no matter how small) and every life (no matter how short) makes a difference - and our boy is certainly no exception. His impact is still felt through all the ways people have made the world a little nicer, a little sweeter, and a little happier every year on his birthday.

The owls

In 2015 our goal was to encourage 10,000 people to sign up to do random acts of kindness on what would have been Thomas' 10th birthday. To help spread the word we asked friends, family, and supporters to make (or purchase) an owl or two, tag them with our special tags, and "set them free" by gifting them to loved ones or by leaving them in public places to be found by strangers. The tags encouraged the recipient to participate in March 9 Random Act of Kindness Day for Thomas by doing something kind on March 9. Thomas' owls flew literally all around the world, and we reached our goal on the evening of March 8, 2015.

In 2016 and 2017 we had fewer people sign up via our event page on Facebook, but we know that everyone who did - and all those who made owls to help spread the word - made a difference in this hurting world, just like Thomas continues to do.

Another flock in 2025... Celebrating Thomas' 20th birthday!

March 9 Random Act of Kindness Day for Thomas was yet another success in 2024! In honour of Thomas' 19th birthday, thoughtful and generous people pledged to change the world one act of kindness at a time on March 9th in his memory -- and they did!

We hope you'll all join us again on Sunday, March 9, 2025.

Kindness is something that should practiced every day, of course, but we're asking people to be a little extra kind on March 9th. You don't have to be anywhere specific or do anything specific - just look for ways to be kind wherever you are in whatever way you can.

Spread the word! Invite your friends, family members, co-workers and neighbours to sign up and join you as we make the world a sweeter place on Thomas birthday.

Our hope is that every small, simple act of kindness will send ripples into eternity that will be felt forever. Simply because Thomas was once here.

Thank you so much for joining in! Please, pass it on!

Join the 2025 Facebook Event!

🦉 Follow March 9th Random Act of Kindness Day For Thomas year round on Facebook.

🦉 Find Owl Patterns, Owl Be Kind Tags, and more about Thomas on the Owl Be Kind for Thomas website.

Spread the word! Invite your friends, family members, co-workers and neighbours to join you as we make the world a sweeter place on Thomas birthday. Our hope is that every small, simple act of kindness will send ripples into eternity that will be felt forever. Simply because Thomas was once here. Thank you so much for joining in! Please, pass it on!

* All photos and graphics are courtesy of Owl Be Kind for Thomas.*