
Celebrate National Lasagna Day by Signing Up for Lasagna Love

National Lasagna Day is July 29

July 25, 2024

If you are a lasagna fan, you will be thrilled to know that July 29 is National Lasagna Day. If you are a fan of kindness, you'll be even more excited that there is a way to combine your love for lasagna with a really cool act of kindness in your community.

Lasagna Love is a national grassroots movement that aims to positively impact communities by connecting neighbors with neighbors through homemade meal delivery. The movement began somewhat by accident due to how negatively the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the lives of many at the very basic needs level. Food insecurity among children skyrocketed quickly; an issue further compounded by shifting home and work priorities often heavily shouldered by moms and head of households. 

In an effort to alleviate some of the pressure, Rhiannon Menn, founder of Good to Mama, started delivering homemade lasagnas to families needing a bit of care. She saw an opportunity to be good to other moms during an unprecedented time of challenge. Her social posts offering help to moms not only garnered meal requests, they resulted in other moms asking how to get involved... and in May 2020 “Lasagna Love” was born. 

The impact movement of kindness today spans the entirety of the United States, supported by more than 3,000 volunteers who have delivered 6,000+ lasagnas. 

“Lasagna Love exists to deliver comfort where we experience it most often — our family dining table — and to prove that even small displays of kindness can have a profound and lasting impact,” said Lasagna Love founder Rhiannon Menn. “Our mission is not only to help address the rise in food insecurity but to also provide a simple act of love and kindness during a time of uncertainty and stress and reduce stigmas associated with parents — especially moms — asking for help when it is needed most. We accomplish this by creating an easy and accessible way for every person to help a neighbor in need in a way that is comfortable and meaningful for them.”

Lasagna Love Promotes Positive Community Impact

Becoming a Lasagna “Mama” or “Papa” is easy. Anyone can volunteer to be matched with a family in need and there is no commitment or expectation for giving. If a volunteer or family can deliver one lasagna or a salad, it is a welcome gift. If they can do more, Lasagna Love can match them with several families needing support. 

Lasagna Love volunteers have graciously tailored deliveries — dietary restricted and allergy-friendly — to the needs of each family and have also delivered salads, sides and desserts to round out a healthy meal. In fact, previously supported Lasagna Love families have signed on as volunteers and are today paying it forward to other families in their community. By serving those within our immediate community, Lasagna Love volunteers know to whom they are gifting a meal and recipients know from where their meal came. This model ensures that each participant experiences the impact of giving and receiving — a memory they won’t soon forget.

About Lasagna Love

Lasagna Love is a nationwide, grassroots community impact movement connecting neighbors with neighbors through homemade meal delivery. The all-volunteer run program abides by three simple principles: feed families, spread kindness, and strengthen communities. Founded by a mom in support of moms, Lasagna Love has joined together families across 47 states in America and aims to supplant historic stereotypes related to requests for support. 

To learn more about Lasagna Love and how you can get involved, visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, and YouTube.